Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween 2011

Yeah, okay, so this is a couple of weeks late. But I just remembered, okay! This Halloween was Pike's first. We talked in circles about what to do costume wise, but Wes really fell in love with pirates. It turned out to be the absolute perfect idea.

We were able to get a few accessories for us on the cheap, and we made Pike's costume by taking one of his white shirts and making bird winds and a tail out of felt. We're awesome, I know. Then we took him to a couple of neighbor's houses as a starter Trick or Treat before settling in and handing out some candy. It was low key, wonderful, and it was a lot of fun doing our first Halloween as a family.


  1. Adorable! And, if I may so so, you make one hell of a hot pirate sweetheart!

  2. Aww, thank you! Wes said I have to reserve that outfit to wear for him later, so apparently there's a consensus. I should wear eye patches more often.
